
what we barbarians sometimes call "New Jeruselem", small Yiddish glossary would have helped we got was a BRITISH one!


but what


So, you say, why clutter up the expensive pages of Tvia with this? The point is that the author of the "Gay World" chapter included a page and a half on Transvestites. Mr. Skir has presented a concise and accurate picture of the three groups of cross- dressers who are so often confused; we owe him and the publisher a round of applause for it! Especially with OUR address spelled out on page 390.....and he refers the homosexual cross-dresser to the Mattachine Society, and the transexual to Johns Hopkins. When Virginia wrote "Let's be friends with our friends" some time ago, this was the sort of thing we hoped for so let's reciprocate and advise potential Matt- achine members of their address, 1133 Broadway, New York 10010.



This would be a good book to give to your local library and then slip a card in their catalog under the cross-reference TRANSVESTISM. But read first,

you'll love it.

THE LASCIVIOUS ABBOT, By L. H. Walker; GC 303, Greenleaf Classics, 5839 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, 92120. Paperback, 192 pp, $1.25 (1967).


The introduction by Dr. L. T. Woodward, M.D., would serve as an excellent review in any ordinary magazine as he presents a disarminly unbiased report on the book's merits and faults plus a surprisingly good little account of transvestism in general. (I question his "Possibly a million Americans are trans- vestites" and his "many transvestites are also homo- sexuals"; "50,000" and "some" would be closer.) (See note at end)

The book derives from a section of the memoirs of the Abbe do Choisy which he failed to destroy